More about Protoform®
If the body's rate of recovery is more powerful than the correlative stress it is experiencing, this recovery process may advance; however, in order to create the greatest restorative potential, correlative stress must be identified, reduced or eliminated.
- Troy Stallman
Practicalities of Protoform:
Protoform® is a multi-stage process, including but not limited to these stages:
1) EXAMINATION/ INTAKE: Evaluation and discussion on correlations between your symptoms, posture, neuro-pathways, and muscle weaknesses.
2) ASSESSMENT/ STRATEGY: Includes a global posture examination, systematized muscular weakness exam, and analysis of functional/ global movement.
3) INTERVENTION: This process neurologically re-connects muscles as it re-positions joints, guiding them back into proper position, according to the chronology and strategy devised by Troy.
Stage 3 of Protoform® is the platform for the whole system, the most transformative of all the stages.
4) MUSCULAR RE-INTEGRATION: Learning specific Protoforms ...
Protoforms® are customized series of muscle contractions and exercises, assigned to the client and performed daily.
5) STRATEGIC STRENGTH TRAINING SYSTEMS: Strength training formulas are customized for optimal maintenance and enhancement of recently corrected weak links in the body. Clients work toward complete body restoration in consultations and private training sessions.
Protoform can progressively decrease or eliminate pain from the following conditions or areas in the body and effectively prevent recurrence:
Muscular Imbalances
Muscle Pain
Joint Pain
Neck Pain
Hand/Elbow Pain
Shoulder Pain
Rib Pain
Hip/Back Pain
Foot/Knee Pain
Nerve Impingement/Compression
Sciatic Pain
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Scar Tissue
Degenerative Joint Disease
Herniated Disc/ Ruptured Disc
Plantar Fasciitis
Tendonitis/ Carpal Tunnel
Foot Problems/ Ankle Sprain
Cervical/ TMJ
Chronic Myofascial Pain
Results Obtained With Protoform®
Re-stabilizes and re-balances muscle tension ratios, re-aligning joints in a precise, complete and long-lasting way
Optimizes posture and gait patterns
Assists the brain to neurologically produce more efficient motor output
Aids in restoring impaired sensory pathways caused by nerve impingements or compression
Re-tunes the body, opening up areas that have become inaccessible due to pain, tension or fatigue
Provides clients with a combination of whole body assessments and corrective solutions
Increases the effectiveness and integration of overall body function
Allows clients to re-discover and re-connect with their bodies, creating a higher mind/ body awareness, in turn enhancing their ability to process varying levels of emotional blockage
Provides critical information about body function, to be incorporated into a client's fitness program or other treatment modalities, better reflecting their individual needs.
Offers comfortable, intuitive treatment of the client, giving him or her a sense of peace and well being.
Chief goal…
My goal with Protoform® is to provide a proactive, reliable way to develop the potential of our bodies and minds. By improving our ability to feel and respond to signals transmitted across the cellular matrix, we can better react to and control gravitational, body-generated and other forces.
It is hard to perform at the highest level when primary communication problems exist in the body. After studying them extensively, I have determined that the best available strength-training methods do not achieve their maximal goal: a strong balanced body. Unless both sides of the body function as a balanced, integral, and synchronous whole, the body cannot build strength uniformly. Uneven strength building is amplified when joints are not correctly aligned.
Protoform® recharges neuromuscular pathways so that clients will experience stable and powerful muscle contractions, contrary to their former, weakened state. A neurologically "even" muscle control state is the starting point for building well-distributed strength on both sides of the body. With Protoform®, all known strength-training strategies function more efficiently and individuals are far less prone to body disturbances or injuries that might further negate conditioning and performance. — Troy Stallman
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as it is feasible and necessary to resolve it.
- Rene Descartes
The key to a powerfully stable, full body alignment correction is the integrity and wellness of its parts. Each link in the bio-mechanical chain has a specific role, and it is also dependent on all its neighboring links. Increasing the functionality of one link will automatically reinforce to a degree all the other links in the chain.
Think of the body as a jigsaw puzzle capable of performing nearly infinite types of controlled motion. If these puzzle pieces do not line up the way they should, if they have lost their natural shape (i.e. lost function), they need to be addressed specifically and consecutively, reconstructing each piece so that it may function as close to normally as possible. Then the pieces of the puzzle will fit together again.
Protoform® is a holistic process which includes a technical evaluation and a treatment process which simultaneously stabilizes and re-aligns joints, one by one, balancing the body's bio-mechanical chains. Similar modalities and processes often fail to fully address the interdependent systems of the body. Even though they may produce positive results, they generally focus more on symptoms without tracing problems in the body back to their root causes, nor do they consider the body as a holistic whole. Often a cycle of treatment with short term success will instead mask the real issue.
Protoform® is both logical and progressive. It determines what is not functioning normally with an individual's muscles and joints, finds the degrees of correlation between them, then formulates an immediate, reproducible strategy and treatment process.
In the Protoform® thought process, to restore the body, causality must be precisely determined so that the best possible strategy can be created; chronologic distinctions are made about the relationship between joint disfunction and muscle impairment. This can have a profound effect on the healing process and is a unique feature of this revolutionary technique.
It is important to correct neurological pathways in the mind/body connection before expecting realistic results via health & fitness activities, certain rehabilitative strategies and/or everyday movements. The body's muscle control needs to be fine-tuned before the brain can manage force-based muscular actions(all exercises) effectively.
Along with muscle control, joints must be in aligned first to handle load without harming the joint. Misaligned joints do not displace loads evenly over the interacting surfaces. When this type of wearing of the joint continues it can contribute heavily to manifestation of degenerative conditions and various symptoms, including pain, within the body.
It is therefore recommended that load be minimized on misaligned joints, before any strategic or non-strategic force is applied. Ideally, if joints are restored as closely to normal function as possible, and if they have had adequate time to regenerate, subjects will feel strong and balanced and can effectively avoid predictable, negative consequences.
In order to achieve true strength and stability in body systems, it is vital that all pathways involving movement and posture be clear of neurological obstruction.
Movement may be defined as a series of postures, and the brain’s ability to regulate these postures relates directly to the quality of the information it receives from its receptors.
Recent scientific discoveries have proven that our resting postural alignment is a subconscious act, a motor response. Conscious intent can to some extent override the subconscious, but only when we focus on it, and it is always an effort. As soon as we are distracted, we default back to subconscious postural presets. It is impossible to go through life trying to focus on all our asymmetries!
We may see or feel an unevenness in our bodies and attempt to override it, often over-compensating or causing unevenness elsewhere. We need to discover which pathways correlate to postural discrepancies and provide the right kind of solution.
In certain European medical communities, in the science of Posturology, four key receptors in the body are considered vital in the reprogramming of posture: the eyes, the jaw, the skin and the feet. Tuning these key receptors in a 10 month to 2 year process will lead to normal uncorrupted posture.
In the latter stages of Protoform®'s intervention, most of these four key receptors will have significantly increased functionality. This improvement means that any remaining corruption of the four key receptors has far less impact on posture and movement. Clients feel and see the immediate ease of their movement and upright, aligned posture. Symptoms are either non-existent or reduced to a minimal level.
The four key receptors can always be re-examined separately in order to observe specific improvements made within the Protoform® session.
An Evolutionary Pathway to the Enhancement of Health
In today's high-paced, stress-filled world, a new fitness and recovery approach is required; one which integrates the most relevant discoveries in neuroscience and physical fitness, which offers a complete path to body restoration. It is crucial to re-balance posture and movement in the body so that conventional methods of strength training can be applied effectively.
My life has always been based around fitness ...
In my early years, my fascination in the fine arts, philosophy and science helped me to build my vision of a strong, healthy mind and body. This interest intensified when I became a devoted practitioner of various martial arts, Zen meditation and athletics, as well as a full spectrum of physical fitness programs. I meticulously logged, categorized and analyzed the information as it was presented. At a certain point my passion evolved into a desire to help and empower other people, which led me into personal training - and a lifelong interest in change and innovation.
My own business practice became one of constant study, problem solving and refinement. I learned that working with the human body was extremely complex and challenging. I realized that severe body imbalances were affecting the training and body work I was doing, as my progress would either plateau or or fall short the anticipated effect. I was forced to acknowledge these limitations in my own methodology.
So, over nine years of research and development, I invented a highly specialized system of body work which would specifically address my clients' needs. Thousands of sessions and countless refinements later, my persistence paid off as I developed a system fully capable of re-balancing the body in a reproducible way. Best of all, the results were far quicker and long-lasting than anything I had ever studied or witnessed. Clients and colleagues referred to this process as "body magic," and called me a "body mechanic, magician, whisper." Although flattered, a new and better description became necessary, in order to better define and distinguish the philosophy and implementation of this new fitness concept...
What once was for me a vision has now evolved into an overall fitness framework and intervenient system, which precisely re-balances muscle tension and simultaneously re-positions an out of sync body - consistently and powerfully! I named it, Protoform! - Troy Stallman
Copyright 2012, Troy Stallman
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