Specialized Coaching

Creating a mindset and inner environment that supports wellness and assists the healing journey.

Nikita Gearing offers Specialized Coaching based on her 30+ years of 
experience and training, with the focus on assisting clients in creating Whole System Wellness.

Nikita works with her clients on their Inner Environment to identify and address limiting beliefs
and behaviors and repattern these to support greater wellness and create significant positive change in their lives. 

Our Inner Environment (thoughts, emotions, and nervous system) directly influences and informs our physical health and our state of well-being.

As we address our Inner Environment and areas that are contracted, limited, or stuck, we can repattern our system into more of a positive, regenerative, flow state, which directly assists our health, healing, and wellness on a foundational level. Nikita works with her clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and daily patterns and how these inform and influence their health, wellness, and experience of life. 

Nikita’s coaching also addresses the client's nervous system, including assessing their normal baseline state, and learning how to regulate this daily to optimize wellness and quality of life.  

Nikita’s coaching assists her clients in learning new ways of thinking, responding, behaving, and relating to themselves and their lives. To expand beyond what they currently know and move into a path of heart-connected empowered growth that supports their wellness journey and also their personal and professional life.

This includes exploring, healing, and repatterning in some foundational areas, including:

~ Physical Body (the Nervous System, Body Awareness, and Somatic Practices)

~ Mental Body (the Mind and Mental Health)

~ Emotional Body (the Emotions and Emotional Health)

~ Spiritual Body (Soul Connection and Unlimited Self)

~ Self-Concept (This is our matrix of beliefs that make up our identity, and shape how we relate to ourselves, our health, and what we experience in life. With assistance and practice this self-concept can be observed and repatterned, to support greater wellness, joy, thriving, and quality of life)

Other areas that can often be addressed are:

~ Relationships with the people around us. This can include intimate and romantic partnerships, family relationships (parents, children, siblings, etc), friends, community, and work connections. 

~ Business Endeavors, Work, Career, and Creative pursuits. These are an extension of a client’s self-expression into the world and self-concept. Nikita works with clients on a personal level and also for some clients on a professional and business level, as our business and career are extensions of who we are and how we choose to express ourselves in the world.

~ Soul-Aligned Living. This is when we are living and engaging the world from our more love-based, heart-centered Unlimited Self.

Through her coaching practice, Living Wisdom Coaching, Nikita assists clients in their healing and transformation process, helping them make changes that support their wellness goals.

Sessions can include a range of different techniques:

  • Breathwork and Mindfulness practices

  • Meditation and Visualization

  • Mantra and Positive Affirmations

  • Self-Awareness Practices

  • Nervous System Regulation Techniques

  • Emotional Awareness and Emotional Regulation Practices

  • Heart Intelligence and Heart-Brain coherence practices for healing (HeartMath)

  • Quantum-field Practices for Healing and Manifestation

  • Present Moment Practices

  • Somatic Breath and Body Practices

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and “Faster EFT”

  • The Havening Technique for Mental, Emotional, and Physical Healing

  • Neuroplasticity and Mind/Body repatterning practices

  • Memory Reconsolidation Techniques

  • Mental Rehearsal for subconscious pattern change

  • Intuitive Listening Practices 

  • Toning and Voice work for healing and empowerment

  • Laughter / Inner Smile Practices

  • Intuitive listening and heart-centered non-judgmental communication are the foundation of Nikita’s coaching.

Intuitive listening and heart-centered non-judgmental communication are the foundation of Nikita’s coaching.

The techniques and tools used during a session will depend on each client and what can be most assistive to them in a particular moment and most supportive to their healing and expansion process. 

Nikita offers a complimentary consultation for new clients!

TESTIMONIALS - What people are saying 

“Nikita will be one of the best people you will ever work with. We are months into our journey together and what stands out to me the most, is her ability to tap into the undercurrents of where you really are and what is really ready to be surfaced, explored, and up-leveled / re-patterned. Because sometimes what we say, isn’t exactly what we mean. Nikita is very observant and attentive to the unspoken needs. And this is what makes this style of coaching / up-leveling work so powerful. 

Our sessions always feel divinely guided. The shifts in my energy after each session are very evident. And most importantly, I learn so much about neuroscience. I am truly grateful for the rich knowledge transfer I am afforded through my sessions with Nikita. 

What I admire the most is how Nikita weaves such professional etiquette into an authentic, spiritual & supportive style of coaching. One of my best investments to date. Forever grateful.”

~ Catrina Knight, London, UK

"I was frightened out of my mind about a forthcoming invasive surgery I was to undergo. Nikita meticulously recorded two comprehensive meditations of different lengths for varying uses that instantly settled my nervous system, while completely reframing my pending operation into an opportunity for increased wellness and health. The inimitable quality of Nikita's wholehearted voice is extraordinarily potent and powerful. To say her offerings were life-changing is an understatement. I utilized them daily for the week prior to my surgery, and the shift in my body, mind, and spirit was remarkable. I became calm, centered, grateful and ready. Subsequently, my surgery and recovery went better than expected. Nikita went the extra mile and sent me a post-surgery meditation for complete healing and recuperation. I ended up having a profoundly loving experience before, during, and after my surgery. I am so very grateful for Nikita's deeply loving presence and the undeniably positive impact it had on my health. Her offerings are masterful and miraculous blessings for which I am forever grateful." 

~ Rachel Philippe, Coloardo, USA